
Classical Chandeliers is a family run business set up to bring the classic beauty of Bohemian Chandeliers at affordable prices to the market.  Genuine crystal chandeliers are becoming more and more the chosen product for the discerning designer and in addition many people are choosing crystal wall lights, chandeliers and crystal table lamps to ornate their own homes. When people are making an investment in quality lighting these days they don’t just want a fashion item that will be in vogue for a few years, they are looking for a product of great style, beauty and tradition that will be adored for years to come.

But we are not just interested in selling chandeliers we are also passionate about the products and consequently are keen to hear your views.  Your views may be on the products or you may have interior design ideas that you wish to share or alternatively you might have views of the lighting market or on products that you have seen elsewhere that you feel are worthy of comment.

So whatever your views may be  you are welcome to share them here so get writing.

To use this  Chandelier Blog you can either just comment below or you can select one of the blog categories from the sidebar box and add your comments there.

4 thoughts on “About”

  1. I was doing a search for wall lights today and came across this post, About – Classical Chandeliers : Chandeliers, Crystal Chandeliers | Table Lamps | Wall Lights | Chandelier. Interesting to say the least.

  2. I simply adore displaying these floor lamps around my home. I wonder how many differenet versions of tiffany floor lamps are available out there.

  3. Hi
    Classical Chandeliers .

    If it will be used some other lamp instead of the original lamp, how about the effect on the amount of customers you have?

    I want suggest another type of lamp to you. It is called the carbon filament lamp.
    It is like the candle, but it is different to your own. If you are interested with it, you can research further.

    Wish you have a nice day!


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