Why Do Crystals Sparkle?

Luxurious chandelier, light on ceiling. Free public domain CC0 photoA sparkling chandelier is more exciting. It radiates better light quality. Also, a clean chandelier will elevate your home. That’s why proper cleaning and maintenance are key. Here are key tips and tricks for making your chandelier sparkle.


Polishing your chandelier will make them sparkle. Here, you need a gentile homemade-based bronze polish. To make this polish, combine 2 tablespoons of baking soda powder with lemon juice. Mix it to achieve a soft paste.  Using a soft, dry cloth, apply the resulting solution to the bronze part of your chandelier. The paste should be rubbed into the bronze. This should be done in a circular motion. Wait for about 20-30 minutes.

The next step involves wiping the polish from the bronze surface using a microfiber cloth. Reassemble your chandelier.

Regular Maintenance

Regular chandelier maintenance will make it sparkle. This includes dusting the surfaces. Checking the windows will also identify issues and correct them immediately. For instance, if certain bulbs are not working, regular inspections will identify issues early before they escalate into serious issues.


Clean your chandeliers regularly. Turn off the switch. Consider laying a large plastic-based sheet on trash bags. They will protect your chandelier’s cover and finishing from damage.

Put a newspaper on top of your plastic. In place of a newspaper, you can use old towels. The work of a towel is to absorb liquids. From here, consider removing the light bulbs before covering the bulb area using an aluminum foil.

Bring a degreasing degreaser. Remember, steam will come from the boiling water and hair sprays can attract dirt or dust. Use a ladder and spray your chandelier. Ensure that every party of the chandelier has been covered.

Crystals Sparkle 3Wait for about 15 minutes. Use rubbing alcohol to spray the chandelier. The next step involves wiping your chandelier. Pay close attention to the crystals and arms. Use a dust-free cloth to wipe your chandelier.

Crystals Off

For deep cleaning, consider taking off the crystals. From here, clean the crystals. This technique allows you to clean hard-to-reach parts. Use a soft towel to clean the crystals. Dry them using a dry, soft cloth.


Purchase the right bulbs for your chandeliers. If you want to create drama, chose colored bulbs. For instance, blue bulbs will create that romantic feel in your home. To save energy, purchase LED lighting bulbs.

LEDs are long-lasting. They also save up to 80 percent of energy usage in your home. LED bulbs produce less heat while emitting high-quality light. They can illuminate spaces in all directions. Get your LED bulbs from the right brand. Reading reviews will lead you to the right LED bulbs.

The Bottom-Line

Crystals Sparkle 2Lighting makes your home complete. It complements the décor of your home. In particular, chandeliers are important elements when it comes to breathing life into spaces. However, a chandelier can catch dust. That’s why regular maintenance and cleaning are important. Make your chandelier whole again with the above tips and tricks.

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